Last login: Sun May 5 23:01:51 on ttys010 Shuos-MacBook-Air:CH-ENsyntran zangsir$ perl SyntacticTransfer Version 0.99 Rev 7C Grammar File: SZ_grm6.txt Lexicon File: SZ_Lex5.txt Lexical Entries: 224 Transfer Rules File: C2E_TR.txt Transfer Rules: 33 Morphological Rules: 0 OOV Rules: 2 PreProcessing Patterns: 1 PostProcessing Patterns: 1 Translating from Chinese (Chinese) to English (English) Commands: H(elp) - show this message D(ebug) - toggle display of debug information K(eep) - toggle Keep temp dictionary S(tatus) - show status message Q(uit) - exit program Sentence: 我 今天 去 学校. I go to the school today Sentence: 我 今天 去 了 学校. I went to the school today Sentence: 这些 狗 很 大. These dogs are very big Sentence: 他们 有 朋友. They have the friends Sentence: 这 辆 车 不是 很 大. This car is not very big Sentence: 这 个 房子 很 大. This house is very big Sentence: 我 昨天 不 去 学校. I did not go to the school yesterday Sentence: 我 昨天 去 学校. I went to the school yesterday Sentence: 我 今天 不 去 学校. I do not go to the school today Sentence: 他 去年 不 喜欢 猫. She/he did not like the cat last year Sentence: Sentence: 我 昨天 没 去 学校. I did not go to the school yesterday Sentence: 他 喜欢 狗. She/he likes the dog Sentence: 他 讨厌 猫. She/he hates the cat Sentence: 我 有 一 个 大 房子. I have a big house Sentence: 我 去年 买 了 一 辆 车. I bought a car last year Sentence: 我 买 了 一 个 房子. I bought a house Sentence: 他 有 一 辆 大 车. She/he has a big car Sentence: 去年 我 很 好. Last year I was very good Sentence: 我 很 好. I am very good Sentence: 你 很 好. You are very good Sentence: 美国人 很 好. The Americans are very good Sentence: Sentence: 他们 是 美国人. They are the Americans Sentence: 他 是 美国人. She/he is the American Sentence: 我 是 美国人. I am the American Sentence: 去年 他 很 好. Last year she/he was very good Sentence: