outlook$[1]="sunny" outlook$[2]="overcast" outlook$[3]="rainy" temperature$[1]="hot" temperature$[2]="mild" temperature$[3]="cool" humidity$[1]="high" humidity$[2]="normal" windy$[1]="TRUE" windy$[2]="FALSE" play$[1]="yes" play$[2]="no" count=0 for i from 1 to 3 for j from 1 to 3 for k from 1 to 2 for l from 1 to 2 for m from 1 to 2 appendInfoLine(outlook$[i],",",temperature$[j],",",humidity$[k],",",windy$[l],",",play$[m]) count+=1 endfor endfor endfor endfor endfor printline count='count'